Hello Test Surprise!

Unit Test 2

          Hello test surprise, this week we had an unit test 2 and that was so surprising to had a unit test that the topic was outlining. I'm thinking that the unit test was identification and enumeration, then some parts of the test was multiple choice but I was wrong. Suddenly after giving the test I read seriously and start to create an outline of every important details may take. I was surprise because the article/the reading material was so long, so I expected that I am too late to pass my test paper early. The test was very nice it enhance our mind to read a lot because we are teachers so we need to read a lot to understand what we will teach to our student.
          After our unit test we had a whole class recitation, the recitation was all about the recent topic that sir rainier discussed to us. We are so glad that all of us got the correct answers for the recitations. So all of us now have a recitation. I realized in the that the exam was not so difficult, the difficulties was to read because I often read when I have time in our house. But the purpose of the test was to enhance our reading skills and doing the outlining because it is important in our research in our 3rd year, so it will help us to remember and create an strong outline of our topic. It will also help it in our lesson because in outlining the important parts will you see and it will remember what you read in the article or in the reading material. Good luck to all of us for the incoming term test. I hope we all passed this subject and continue to dream.


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