The New Era Of Digital World



          In our third meeting sir rainer discussed about the ICT policy where this policy had many new information related in technologies. Information technologies consist of smartphones now a days, it is common and used by the people around the world. The telecommunication technologies transfer data through the satellites this our smartphones taking signal when we used it. Networking technology like internet, now a day people finding more signal and more appropriately used of internet because in the internet it is a lot of used in our smartphones like games, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and any more.

          There are 4 issues on ICT these are freedom of expression and censorship, privacy and security, surveillance and data retention, and last is e-pollutants and e-waste. These are the following issues on ict where it is more essential problem when it comes to people. Sir rainer also discussed the implication of teaching and learning on ict, where this will be the guide on how the facilitator/teachers like us will use the technology or ict. After the discussion the group 1 reported about their assignment on local and foreign internet safety and policy. Ma’am olivar also gave another assignment which is we will make an article about the issues on ict what ever the number are assigned to us. Then sir rainer discussed again about the safety issues, risk of ict and e-networking. Sir rainer also gave another assignment that will reported on the week after next. 

          I realized after the discussion there is a lot of issues and risk of our technology and to our students in the future, but it will take a solution if we, the facilitators will guide the 21st century learners on how to use of technology to their study and from themselves. These discussions are really important because of this, we will realize on how technology will help on our daily discussion or study but there is a risk on using it. Technology plays the major role in education and to our life because this is the commonly used in this modern era, and many had made an experiment then create a robot with the use of technology or ict now a days. Let us be responsible on how to use this ict technology in our study and used it properly.
